A Guide To Your First Quiltcon
Are you gearing up for your first QuiltCon? Excitement is in the air as you prepare to immerse yourself in the world of quilting, creativity, and inspiration. As you prepare for this exciting experience, it's completely normal to feel a bit nervous, but rest assured, many in attendance will have those same nerves. Try using an icebreaker such as 'I really like your quilty attire! It’s beautiful!' Or 'Please remind me of your Instagram handle because I want to make sure I follow you.'"
To ensure you make the most of your time at QuiltCon, I’ve put together a list of some essential tips to guide you through the event:
Stay Connected: Exchange phone numbers with friends well in advance if you plan to meet up with at the event. Once the show starts things can be a bit chaotic.
Dress for Comfort: Opt for comfortable walking shoes and dress in layers to accommodate the fluctuating indoor temperatures and any outdoor excursions. Should you experience swelling in the feet, elevate and ice. Don’t ask how I know ;)
Travel Light at the Show: Opt for a hands-free or minimalist purse to navigate the booths with ease without disturbing displays.
Socialize Over Meals: Plan to grab lunch or dinner with friends during the event. Whether you bring cash or use Venmo to split the bill, sharing a meal is a great way to connect with fellow quilters and unwind between activities, classes or to simply rest your feet. Make sure to secure reservations early so the stress of where and when is resolved and all you have to do is show up.
Photo: @calvinsquilts and @peachandhoneystudio (spouses and friends also in attendance)
Sticker Swap Fun: Don't miss out on the sticker swap opportunities. Whether it's a formal gathering or an impromptu exchange on the show room floor with a fellow quilter/crafter, sticker swaps are a fun way to add to your collection. Don’t worry if you don’t have a sticker to give in exchange. It’s all in good fun and a great way to break the ice while seeing all of your friends in one place.
Photo caption: Sticker swap fun with @quiltyshug and a large group of friends whom I had met at the show and online.
Shop 'Til You Drop: Prepare yourself for irresistible finds at the vendor booths. I mean who can resist shopping all of you favorite vendors all in one location?! Consider taking a lap around the event before you start and make a mental shopping list. From there you can narrow down your selection or take inventory if you need to buy a new piece of luggage before you go home.
Ship Your Loot Home or Bring Empty Luggage: Consider packing a USPS flat-rate shipping box in your luggage to conveniently ship your purchases back home. Alternatively, be ready to creatively stash your haul in pockets if your luggage is already bursting at the seams. Some airlines allow for a second checked luggage at no charge if you prefer to bring an empty piece to send goods home.
Embrace the Late Nights: Expect the evenings to be filled with lively conversations and camaraderie. Fuel up with caffeine in the morning to combat any late-night fatigue—it's all part of the memorable QuiltCon experience.
Capture the Moments: Take plenty of photos and videos with friends, but ask for permission before snapping a shot. Don't forget to include yourself in those selfies and tag your friends when posting!
Photos (top left going clockwise): Jaimie of @sewsbyday, Karen of @BessiePearl, Lisa of @loveringquiltco, Jaimie of @sewsbyday Ashley of @henhousequilting Emily of @sosunny_quilts Tawyn of @tawynoland, Jenny of @jennysimsmakesthings, Bailey of @copperandcitrus, Ashelyn of @ubanwellstudio Barbie of @thequiltingmill Lacie of @messyquilts, Jen of @piperautumnfabrics, Jordan of @jordanandjoy, Jenny of @boymom_creative.
Hot Ticket Items: If there's a coveted limited edition item you're eyeing (IE Ruby Star Society booth), be prepared to line up early or send a delegate to secure your spot while you explore or meet friends.
Savvy Shopping: Keep an eye out for vendors offering end-of-show discounts to clear out their inventory they don’t wish to transport home. You might snag some fantastic deals on quality quilting supplies.
Admire, But Don't Touch (show only): Take time to admire the stunning quilt entries on display, but remember to refrain from touching them. If you'd like to see the back of a quilt, seek assistance from a show staff member wearing gloves. If you happen to take a photo of the showpiece make sure to also snag a photo of the label which shows the name and maker. Remember to tag the maker and give credit if you share publically.
Top L to R: @onceawingnut, @alderwoodstudio // Botton L to R: @cotttonandbourbon, @taraleequiltery
Stay Nourished and Hydrated: Pack snacks and water to keep you energized throughout the day. With so much to see and do, you'll want to stay fueled and hydrated. If you have a reusable water bottle these are convenient as most show have filling stations.
Pack Wisely: Consider bringing a packed lunch (IE Subway) to avoid long convention center lines and maximize your time exploring the show floor.
Research for Future Ideas/Plans: Considering a machine upgrade or perhaps a longarm? This is your time to take advantage of your favorite manufactures and equipment being in one location. Take notes and ask all the questions.
Show Appreciation: Don't forget to show some love to your favorite vendors. Consider picking up a snack for them as a thoughtful gesture of appreciation for their hard work. Credit to @Thaicharmllc for this idea while waiting in line to meet Ms. Brittany of @loandbeholdstitchery who kindly gifted Brittany and Peter breakfast.
Sandy of @Thaicharmllc preparing to deliver a treat to Brittany and Peter who are managing the Lo and Behold booth at Quiltcon 2023 Atlanta wearing an adorable Quiltcon make.
Tote It All: Bring along a sturdy tote bag to carry your purchases and freebies. You'll thank yourself later for the extra storage space. If your bags become to heavy or cumbersome locate the bag check where you may drop off bags and come for them later.
Quilted Accessories: Embrace the quilting spirit by wearing your favorite quilt-themed attire and accessories. If time does not permit there is no need to feel guilty. Dress in comfort, admire the makes of others and gain inspiration for future shows you may attend. I guarantee this won’t be your last.
Explore Public Transit: It's wise to have a backup mode of transportation from your accommodations to the venue. Ridesharing could be in high demand, especially from airports, and may be costly. Opting for public transport can often be more convenient and cost-effective.
Be a Tourist: If time allows after the event but before your flight or departure time, take the opportunity to explore the city or nearby attractions on foot. It's a great way to experience the culture and make the most of your trip.
Visit Non-Quilty Friends and Family: Are you near family or friends you haven't seen in years? Reach out and let them know you're in town. They might be willing to drive in for a meal or perhaps join you for the show. It's a chance to reconnect and make your trip even more memorable.
With these tips in mind, you're well-equipped to make your first QuiltCon experience a memorable and enjoyable one.
If you found these tips helpful make sure to share with other QuiltCon friends and tag @StitchedbyAlexis so we can see you having the time of your life.
Have fun. Get inspired. Enjoy your time with friends.